"Julie 2" is an upcoming Bollywood thriller film and is the sequel of Neha Dhupia starrer 'Julie (2004)', Julie 2 has been written, directed and produced by Deepak Shivdasani. Movie features Raai Laxmi in the title role and it's first film for her debut in Hindi cinema.
Viju Shah composes the film's all soundtrack. The film is scheduled for a worldwide release on 12 August 2016 and will be released in Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada as well.
Viju Shah composes the film's all soundtrack. The film is scheduled for a worldwide release on 12 August 2016 and will be released in Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada as well.
Movie Details -
Movie: Julie 2 (2016)
Release date: August 12, 2016 (India)
Directed by: Deepak Shivdasani
Produced by: Deepak Shivdasani, Vijay Nair
Starring: Raai Laxmi
Music by: Viju Shah
Cinematography: Sameer Reddy
Edited by: Asif Ali Sheikh
Production company: Triumph Films
Country: India
Language: Hindi
First Look of Julie (Poster)
Julie 2 (2016) - All Track List
(awaiting for release)
Julie 2 (2016) - Official Trailer
(awaiting for release)